Feel like you have a brand new body.
The MastroStretch Lower Back Stretch Program is the missing link to your self-care regime. Your schedule doesn't leave time for things that aren't effective. This program is everything you didn't know you were missing to soothe tension, reduce stress and create a healthier you.
The MastroStretch program is different because you can complete it in 30-minutes or break it into 10-minute segments. Whatever fits into your schedule!
This 4-step program uses:
1. Release techniques: Release uses a foam roller and massage therapy balls to release tension is your body.
2. Elasticity conditioning: This part conditions your tissue (muscles, fascia) to become more elastic and less likely to be "cranky".
3. Ki-Hara resistance stretching: This technique is used to strengthen and actively stretch your tissue (muscles and fascia) using your own resistance for lasting change.
4. Breath: This breathing technique will get more oxygen into your body by raising CO2 levels to access it.
What do you get?
• Guided instructional videos.
• Pdf cheat sheet.
• Private Facebook group community.
• New weekly stretch routines.
• Text reminders for accountability.
• Optional 30-minute postural and movement assessment and 30-minute weekly coaching calls.
Regular ‘ol stretching isn’t effective. MastroStretch is. Feel the difference by signing up today!